Berliner Gewerbeamt mit Herz (Hearttosee-Verbindung) Heute, am 12.12.14 haben wir unser Gewerbe angemeldet und ich kann nicht anders als über dieses Wunder zu berichten: Pünktlich zum vereinbarten Termin sitzen wir im Amt und starren auf die elektronische Infotafel mit der Anzeige der Wartenummern – um unsere nicht zu verpassen. 10 Minuten, 15 Minuten, 30 Minuten….sitzen Kate und ich dort und im selben Tempo wie...

Hearttosee is a photographic series that captures hearts formed coincidentally by nature and human beings. All of the hearts are unique and impermanent, one-time snapshots that remind us that love surrounds us everywhere – we simply need to open our eyes to see it. The heart images, found all over the world, will be sold in moving exhibitions for a limited amount of time; a portion of proceeds will benefit initiatives that foster love and compassion, mainly focusing on the health and well-being of children. The Heart Story „The very first heart that crossed my path surprised me when I had just had my own heart broken. It was in 2010 while I was hiking in the Rigi (Swiss Alps) when I saw the first heart along the...

The Heart Charity Movement We are initiating a movement that aims to inspire people to seek love by finding a „hearttosee“. We strive to make a change and ask people to… look out for love in the shape of a heart send it to us and we will make a donation become a part of a worldwide heart...