Heart Movers
Posted on Aug 18, 2014 by hearttosee in Static Pages | 0 comments

Sandra Baron – Founder. Born near Frankfurt in 1971, Sandra worked for 12 years as an international consultant in the mobile telecommunications industry all over Europe. After completing a coaching training in 2007, she became an international business coach for companies, SMEs and multimedia organizations. She is a management coach who mentors people in authentic leadership and facilitates corporate culture transformation processes.

Kate Brunch – was born in Cottbus in 1978 and stumbled into an apprenticeship position in Berlin as a photo and media lab technician. After working at PixelGrain she became a freelance photographer in 2006 and contributes to large international advertising campaigns with clients such as PX1.

Rose-Anne Clermont – is a writer, journalist, editor, yogini and mother, born in New York City in 1971. She has contributed to various international press such as The New York Times, Die Zeit and Spiegel Online. She is the author of Buschgirl: Wie ich unter die Deutschen geriet (Bertelsmann 2010). She is currently an editor at a media organization training journalists in North Africa and in November 2014, she´ll complete her yoga teacher training.